Allie Oops


Allie Oops produces slow content in an era of high-speed consumption, with the promise to make you re-read, re-watch, re-think, question yourself – and grow. Interested in blurring the lines between learning and lusting, her focus on sexuality, sex work and gender has spanned over a decade. Committed to developing skills for providing safer, ethical environments, whether it’s an indie porn start-up or a Hollywood production Allie consults to ensure fair, equitable, educational, accurate, and pleasurable experiences for everyone on set.

Oops dreams of a future without prisons or borders, a world where the internet isn’t run on advertising, a place where pleasure and dignity are accessible to all.

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Working with Allie on our production was an invaluable experience, and she’s a great asset to any team. Allie ensured our set ran in a smooth, respectful manner, and she’s a wonderful collaborator who will help you fulfill your vision.
— Jason Lester, DIRECTOR